
CJCU International Students’ Lantern Painting at the CLCC


By Wu, Meng-Huan

The Chinese Language and Culture Center (CLCC) of Chang Jung Christian University (CJCU) held several Chinese cultural exchanges activities to welcome 2023 by incorporating auspicious Chinese characters and rabbit images into a series of pattern design. Through lantern painting, international students from the Sustainable Development Program, the Department of Calligraphy and Painting Arts, t7he Department of Applied Japanese Language, the Department of Translation and Interpretation Studies, and PhD program in Business Operation Management as well as exchange students from Japan and Korea were introduced to Chinese culture with the help of Taiwanese students from the Department of Nursing. Participants in the activities even painted their prospective for 2023 with innovation and creativity by using Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese characters. Painted lanterns were showcased on the 5th floor of First Teaching Building from now to the 2003 Lantern Festival and everyone is welcome.  

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