
Sarawak Taiwan Graduates Association’s Visit to CJCU


Led by its leader, 20 members of Sarawak Taiwan Graduates Association delegation visited CJCU on August 8. Greeted by Vice President, Sun Hui-Min, the delegation visited the Campus Security Center, Global Plaza, and IKEA Student Cafeteria during its campus tour.

President of the Association, Siew Tick Chai, pointed out that based on the solid relationship between CJCU and the Association, more cooperation will be expected.This time the delegation brought home the newest information back to Malaysia. Both sides also presented a token of appreciation to each other to symbolize strong friendship and future cooperation.

馬來西亞砂拉越留台同學總會走訪長榮大學校園砂拉越留台同學會贈禮全體於學校標誌性建築長榮堂大合照參觀守護全校師生安全的校安中心領袖幹部於IKEA用餐,享用本校研發的蒔醇啤酒參觀Global Plaza砂拉越留台同學會領袖幹部團到訪長榮大學

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